Anjanette Treadway

Youth and/or Community Water Education

Serving as Human Sciences Program Coordinator with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach in Carroll County, Anjanette Treadway is inspiring local youth to explore water, natural resources, and conservation, through the lens of making our world a better place for years to come. Anjanette is responsible for supporting STEM education for kindergarten through third grade in county schools. She is also the unofficial “conservation education” champion for all students up through sixth grade, delivering a series of recurring natural resources-themed presentations in local schools—along with the capstone “Water Rocks! Day” field trip at Swan Lake State Park. Anjanette has an incredible passion for youth outreach, a huge heart for the local community, and a deep desire to help students see how individual decisions, large and small, impact the world around them. 


Niko Stevens


Alicia Vasto